The Leuna Lechesa Building

Mopheme - The Survivor

Tuesday January 25 - 31, 2005          Page 7


By Selloane Mokuku

The Minister of Education and Training Mohlabi Tsekoa will officially open the buildings of Seliba Sa Boithuto (SSB) on Friday 28. According to the chairperson of the steering committee Gerard Mathot, the building will be named after Leuna Lechesa. Lechesa played a pivotal role in the establishment of SSB, he however died in a car accident and could not see the culmination of efforts that back as far as 1992.

In an interview with Mathot, he related how he had always been critical about schools and its difference with real education, "after listening to many of my complaints, Lechesa said, stop complaining and do something about it." The rest is history. Mathot stressed that SSB is not a school, but a self study center, where the responsibility for learning is bestowed upon a learner, who if needs arise, may seek guidance from tutors.

SSB has been operating at Emanuel Hostel since its inception. Different role players in education such as UNICEF, LANFE, LDTC, NUL, former learners and parents have been invited. The event will take place from 11:00h and end at 13:00h.

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